Our Recuperative Care Services provide short-term, supportive care for individuals recovering from an illness, injury, or hospital stay. We offer a safe and structured environment where clients receive essential medical and social support to help them regain stability before transitioning back to independent living.

We offer the following Recuperative Care Services:

  • Basic nursing care, including monitoring physical health and pain levels
  • Medication support
  • Patient Education
  • Immunization review and updates
  • Clinical goal development for the recuperative care period and discharge planning
  • Care coordination, including initial assessment of medical, behavioral, and social needs
  • Care plan development
  • Support and referral assistance for legal, housing, transportation, case management, and community social services
  • Support and referral assistance for healthcare benefits and other eligible benefits
  • Care plan implementation, follow-up, and monitoring
  • Medical, social, and behavioral (counseling and peer support) services that can be provided in the recuperative care setting
  • Community health worker services (Minnesota Statutes PS68.062, 43.25 subdivision 4S, 43.26)

Recuperative Care Facilities

We operate Recuperative Care Facilities at the following locations:

  • 5754 33rd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55417
  • 5738 33rd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55417

Recover with confidence in a safe and supportive environment. Our recuperative care services are designed to help you transition smoothly after a hospital stay. Contact us now for more details!